
www.musicovery.com>>discovery your music radio

In this website, you can select the category/years/frequency which you like to listen. (PS: some services is charge)
snap below:go to discovery: www.musicovery.com

Cygwin surround is crashed!!??

Recently, i moved my coding surround under the Cygwin. And when i used the gdb to debug my code, my computer is always crashed!! Who can give me some clue? Thx^_^


今天在20ju.com看到:广电总局重拳出击全面清理PPLive. pps. 类网络电视,看来随着网络运营商不断进行的固网升级,网络资费的下调,网络环境的进一步开放,2008年北京奥运会之前会全面迎来IPTV/流媒体的时代。当然,在进入时代之前必然是对行业内部的整风/肃清运动,谁能够坚持到最后?似乎IPTV的曙光应该已经到来~~~