Some linux command keywords useful you
If you are the master of GNU, reading this text is spend your time; If not this is maybe useful.
arch: show the cpu/framework
cat: show the content of the file
cd: change your current dictionary path to the specified
cksum: show the CRC value/file size
cp: same as copy/xcopy
date: show datetime
df: show free disk space
du: show the dictionary size
echo: show your word
groups: show your user
hostname: show your computer's name
id: show current user's id/group
man: search help of your command in the User guide
md5sum: show md5 value of you file
mkdir: create the dir
mv: move your file to other dir
ping: if you don't know......
ps: show running process
pwd: show current dir
sha1sum: show the sha1 value of file
stat: show the status of file
rm: delete the file!!!
rmdir: delete the dir
tty: show the current terminal
uname: try it. (ps: uname -a)
uptime: show how long time running of your system
w: show who is login and what is he/she/it doing now.
wc: show the file's line number (ps: wc -l lorem.txt)
who: show who is login the system.
whoami: show yourself
to be continued......